Università Degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi – USGM
USGM is the 1° Athenaeum in IT, established in 2004, following the Open University model. More than 16.000 students are enrolled in 6 Schools: Business, Law, Political Sciences, Applied Sciences &Technologies, Arts, Education Science. USGM has 234 employees & more than 260 professors/researchers. The USGM innovative learning methodologyincludes a virtual platform for contents delivering Virtual C@Mpus, an Integrated Multimodal System which includes tools such as mobile/mp3 players, e-book, serious games (web TV Channel) and 15.000 video lessons, 200 multimedia learning paths in IT, EN, GR, ES, & Russian. USGM founded www.guideassociation.org to develop international cooperation worldwide. It includes 151 HEIs & research centers from 64 countries. GUIDE has 2 international journals: FormaMente, Digital Universities.
USGM has been activating a programme in collaboration with companies to overcome the Industry 4.0 challenges to support new graduated to be ready for the labour market needs www.marconindustry4punto0.it It includes several actions such as a course targeted to all students integrated with the course study to provide them with necessary cross competencies required by Industry 4.0. A II Ed. of the course is focused on Big Data Analytics and targeted to a wide public, including professionals & companies. The Dept. of Economics & Management research areas are economic theories & models, entrepreneurial behaviours, firms’ organization & performances, regulation & supervision of financial markets, from several perspectives: macroeconomic, managerial, financial, legal, math-statistical. The Dept. of Innovation & Information Engineering includes the schools of Informatics Engineering, Industrial Engineering & Agriculture. The research areas are Process Engineering, Energy, Modelling & Simulation, Big Data Technologies, Networks & communication systems, E-learning & Carbon Design. The R&D Dept. has wide experience as applicant & partner in National & EU projects.